This project is on hold until web-extensions exposes the native Hunspell implementation (and I have a bit of time an energy!), which will fix the memory consumption problems and make the whole thing a much simpler project. It will continue to live here for now but use with care.
Welcome to Multidict, your friendly neighbourhood open source language detecting spellchecker.
Looking for the User Docs? Looking for the JSDOCS?
You can download me directly from the Firefox add-ons store here.
- Clone the repository using your preferred cloning mechanism (ssh or https)
- Run
npm install
from the project base directory
npm run build
This will bundle all required files into the /dist
npm run serve
This will at first build all the files and then open a Firefox browser with some specific pages that can be used for testing.
npm run publish
This will build files using web-ext build and package all source files into dist/
Make sure to bump version numbers inside package.json and manifest.json so that previous release zip file is not overwritten.
Updating dictionaries
npm run update-dicts
This will download all the latest available dictionaries from wooorm dictionaries.
The app depends on nspell, a JavaScript implementation of Hunspell, to provide spell checking.
The app depends on dictionaries downloaded from wooorm dictionaries which are themselves a compilation of different dictionaries from different sources. They each have their own license.