* Helper methods.
* @namespace Helpers
* Custom async forEach function taken from p-iteration
* @private
* @memberof Helpers
* @see {@link https://toniov.github.io/p-iteration/global.html#forEach|p-iteration}
* @param {Promise[]} array - array of promises, executed concurrently
* @param {Function} callback - the callback function called using the resolved value of each promise
* @param {Object} [thisArg] - optional this context
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves only after all other promises are done
/* istanbul ignore next */
async function _asyncForEach (array, callback, thisArg) {
const promiseArray = []
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (i in array) {
const p = Promise.resolve(array[i]).then((currentValue) => {
return callback.call(thisArg || this, currentValue, i, array)
await Promise.all(promiseArray)
* Blink target node N times over 3/4 of a second by adding and removing color class
* @memberof Helpers
* @param {Node} node - the node we will add and remove the color class from
* @param {number} times - the amount of times to blink the node. Must be an integer.
function blinkNode (node, times) {
const interval = 750 / (times * 2)
// removing the color class first ensures we change color the correct amount of times
const tempInterval = setInterval(() => {
? node.classList.remove('color')
: node.classList.add('color')
}, interval)
setTimeout(() => {
// we cannot reliably enter this if statement - it's a bit of defensive programming to ensure
// the highlight color class is always added back after blinking the node
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (!node.classList.contains('color')) node.classList.add('color')
}, 750)
* Adds Multidict add/remove context menu items for when user selects text
* @memberof Helpers
function createMenuItems () {
id: 'addCustomWord',
type: 'normal',
title: 'Add word to personal dictionary',
contexts: ['selection'],
icons: { 16: 'media/icons/plus-icon.svg' }
id: 'removeCustomWord',
type: 'normal',
title: 'Remove word from personal dictionary',
contexts: ['selection'],
icons: { 16: 'media/icons/minus-icon.svg' }
* A debounced function is a function that will delay the execution of the inner (callback) function
* by a certain amount of time each time the debounced (returned) function is called. In our case,
* we don't want to spellcheck text every time the user presses a key, so we debounce the spellcheck
* function with each keypress. This way each keypress will delay the spellcheck logic by {wait},
* which means we will only spellcheck text after the user has stopped typing.
* @memberof Helpers
* @constructor
* @param {Function} callback - the callback function to be executed after wait expires
* @param {number} wait - the amount of time, in milliseconds, to debounce the function
* @returns {Function} - the function to be executed after wait
function debounce (callback, wait) {
if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw new TypeError('First argument to debounce must be of type function')
let timeout
return (...args) => {
timeout = setTimeout(function () { callback.apply(this, args) }, wait)
* Checks if a node has any children.
* @private
* @memberof Helpers
* @param {Node} node - the node to check
* @returns {Boolean} True if the node has any children
function _hasChildNodes (node) {
return (typeof node === 'object') &&
(typeof node.childNodes !== 'undefined') &&
(node.childNodes.length > 0)
* Takes a node or nodeList and recursively flattens the node(s) and all children into an array
* @memberof Helpers
* @param {Node|Node[]|NodeList} nodeList - the nodeList, node, or array of nodes to operate on
* @param {Array} [accumulator=[]] - array used to accumulate all child nodes (defaults to empty)
* @returns {Array} Flattened array of node(s) and all child nodes
function flattenAllChildren (nodeList, accumulator = []) {
if (typeof nodeList.nodeType === 'number') nodeList = [nodeList]
if (!Array.isArray(nodeList)) nodeList = Array.from(nodeList)
nodeList.forEach((node) => {
if (_hasChildNodes(node)) {
flattenAllChildren(node.childNodes, accumulator)
return accumulator
* Returns an array of languages based on getAcceptLanguages and getUILanguage to use as defaults
* for when no saved languages exist in browser storage.
* @memberof Helpers
* @returns {array} Array of language codes i.e. ['en-US', 'fr']
async function getDefaultLanguages () {
const acceptedLanguages = await browser.i18n.getAcceptLanguages()
const uiLanguage = browser.i18n.getUILanguage()
return [uiLanguage].concat(acceptedLanguages)
* Return a boolean value that is true if the node is a supported editable node
* @memberof Helpers
* @param {node} node - the node to be checked
* @returns {boolean} True if the node is a text area
function isSupported (node) {
return node.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA'
* Loads local dictionary files from supported languages
* @memberof Helpers
* @param {array} languages - array of all lowercase 5 digit language codes: ['de-de', 'en-au']
* @returns {Promise} Promise resolves array of dictionary objects: [{ 'de-de', dic, aff }, { 'en-au', dic, aff }]
/* istanbul ignore next */
function loadDictionaries (languages) {
// ToDo: check if this negatively impacts memory imprint (may need to fetch dict/aff files)
const dicts = []
return _asyncForEach(languages, async (language) => {
const dic = await _readTextFile(browser.runtime.getURL(`./dictionaries/${language}.dic`))
const aff = await _readTextFile(browser.runtime.getURL(`./dictionaries/${language}.aff`))
if (!dic.error && !aff.error) {
dicts.push({ language, dic, aff })
}).then(() => dicts)
* Creates a notification that is displayed to the user
* @memberof Helpers
* @param {type} title - the notification title
* @param {type} message - the message that will appear as the notification body
function notify (title, message) {
browser.notifications.create(title, {
type: 'basic',
iconUrl: browser.runtime.getURL('media/icons/icon-64.png'),
* Prepares a language array from an array of language codes
* @memberof Helpers
* @param {string[]} languageCodes - array of langauge codes i.e. ['de-DE', 'en-AU', 'en', 'fr']
* @returns {string[]} Array of normalised language codes i.e. ['de-de', 'en-au', 'en-en', 'fr-fr']
function prepareLanguages (languageCodes) {
return languageCodes.reduce((acc, language, index) => {
// if we come across a language code without a locale, use the language code as the locale
if (language.length === 2) {
language += `-${language}`
languageCodes[index] = language
// this prevents adding duplicate languageCodes to language array
if (languageCodes.indexOf(language) === index) {
return [...acc, language.toLowerCase()]
return acc
}, [])
* Reads a text file, the Firefox web-extension way. Returns a promise
* @private
* @memberof Helpers
* @param {string} path - the path from which to read the text file
* @returns {Promise} Promise resolves with the entire text read from the text file
/* istanbul ignore next */
function _readTextFile (path) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fetch(path, { mode: 'same-origin' })
.then(function (res) {
return res.blob()
.then(function (blob) {
const reader = new FileReader()
reader.addEventListener('loadend', function () {
.catch(error => {
resolve({ error: error })
* Takes a node, array of nodes, or nodeList and object of attribute key value pairs to set on the
* given nodes
* @memberof Helpers
* @param {(node|node[]|nodeList)} nodeList - the nodeList, node, or array of nodes to operate on
* @param {object} attributes - object of attribute key value pairs
function setNodeListAttributes (nodeList, attributes) {
if (typeof nodeList.nodeType === 'number') nodeList = [nodeList]
if (!Array.isArray(nodeList)) nodeList = Array.from(nodeList)
nodeList.forEach(node =>
Object.entries(attributes).forEach(([key, value]) => node.setAttribute(key, value)))
module.exports = {